Friday, December 4, 2009


Dec. 4, 2009
Dear Parents,
THIS WEEK WE: read several versions of the classic tale of the Gingerbread Man and compared them with each other. They are very much the same but different in many ways, especially, The Stinky Cheeseman. Ask your child about that one. We ended the week by making a couple items to give to residents at the Christian Health Care here in Nixa. Thanks to all that sent money and those that were able to come help. (I definitely could not have done it without you! :)
NEXT WEEK WE WILL: take a trip around the world to five different countries to see how each one traditionally celebrates the holiday season. I will be asking the kids about what their family usually does every year during the holidays. You may want to share with them stories about “Aunt Betty” and “Great Granddaddy” this weekend. Each Kindergarten teacher has developed a special lesson about a country that they will share with all the classes next week. Be sure to ask everyday where they traveled. I am preparing a ”suitcase” and a “passport” for them so they won’t have trouble making it through “customs”.
We will have a class exchange on Tuesday, December 22nd. We are going to fill a stocking for each child! Everyone is asked to bring enough little treats for each child in our class. Examples would be 19 erasers, pencils, pieces of wrapped candy, balloons, bubbles, etc. Things that you might provide for a birthday party as favors. We will have a low key “class family” celebration sometime on Tuesday. Parents are not asked to assist with this one. I know you are busy getting ready for your family celebrations. I will provide some simple treats and they will receive their stocking. That is also our school wide Polar Express Day and we will all be wearing our pajamas!
READING SLIPS: The following people have met the reading goal for November: Mason, Ashcroft, Sophie, Connor, Cody, Johnny, Alison, Chris, Nolan, Erin, Isaac, Markus, Marley, Joshua, Kailey, Michaela, and Alaya. Congratulations!
A special note of congratulations to Markus and Marley for reading 70 books during the month of November! Way to go! Enclosed you will find a Pizza Hut coupon!
Santa Breakfast: It’s time for the annual Santa Breakfast sponsored by the Mathews Elementary PTA. Breakfast is served by IHOP on Saturday, Dec. 12 from 8-11 a.m. and admission is $3 per person with a maximum of $10 per family. Activities include: letters to Santa, Christmas crafts, story time with Principal Sutherland, and raffle baskets. Pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus are available from Life Touch Photography for $12.
SERVICE PROJECT: On Saturday, Dec. 12th we will meet at the Christian Health Care, 1104 N. Main St., at 9:50a.m. We will deliver our treat to the residents as they get out of their morning exercise class!
The PTA is sponsoring a Christmas Store again this year. All items are $1.00. Our class will visit the store next Friday, Dec.11th. Please use the enclosed envelope if you wish your child to purchase items at the store or use one of your own with a list of who they are to buy for on the outside with money enclosed. It is a great time for your child to do his/her Christmas shopping for your family.
SNOW DAYS: Watch for late start days due to inclement weather. On days that it is not safe to come to school at our regular time but the roads become better after “rush hour”, we may go ahead and have school starting at 10:40 a.m. The Alert Now program will call or listen to the television and/or radio on those days.
FAST START: Don’t forget to work on the Fast Start activities. I am seeing progress and I know it helps reinforce what we are doing here. Send back on Monday with the Friday Folder. Monday I will send 2 more poems and then we will take a break from it until after Christmas. 
THEME: Christmas Around the World

Thank you,
Mrs. Donna Mountjoy