Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28, 2009
THIS WEEK WE: finished our color review. We talked about the colors green, orange, purple, brown and black. Today was Clifford Day! It was a fun way to culminate our color activities. We read lots of Clifford books and made a graph of our favorites. We started introducing a child to the class each day. Cody was able to share things about himself and be the Lucky Frog for a day. (We call it frog because they got to be in the frog tent during our quiet time.) Through this activity they are forming an awareness of letters and words and finding out things about their new friends. We will continue that until all 19 students have been interviewed. :)
NEXT WEEK WE WILL: We will continue interviewing the students and do some “all about me” activities. In math we are exploring math manipulatives. We will explore all kinds of things that can be sorted, sequenced, counted or patterned in some way.
SHOESBOXES: We make small books throughout the year with words they are beginning to learn to read. I am sending the first one home today titled Balloons. Please provide a container about the size of a shoebox that your child can store his/her books at home. Have your child practice reading them regularly and adding to the collection as the year progresses. Thanks!
READING SLIPS: I will enclose a reading slip each week with the Friday folder. As you read at home, write the title down on the slip and return to school when it is filled with 10 book titles. I have received a few this week. That is a great start!
Reading and being read to opens the door to school success!
Congratulations to Kailey and Ashcroft. They received a Merit Award this week for displaying outstanding cooperation. Way to go!
BOOT CAMP: This is an all school assembly honoring Caring Kids in our school. One child is selected from each classroom to represent our character word for the month. The August character word is cooperation. Kailey Tate has been selected to represent out room. The assembly will be at 10:00 on Monday morning! You are welcome to attend! 
(shhh! Don’t tell Kailey. It will be a surprise!)
THEME: All About Me
We have had another super week!
Please return the Friday Folder on Monday!
Thank you,
Mrs. Mountjoy