Friday, September 4, 2009


Sept. 4, 2009
Dear Parents,
THIS WEEK WE: Our topic was “All About Me”. We wrote a book! We have continued to introduce a student of the day and interview them. This week we interviewed Connor, Joshua and Alison. They are comparing the starting sounds, length of names, even number of syllables by clapping. This week we even made a class books of our names in which we counted out the number of letters that made up our name. (We will have to show it to you sometime.) We made a graphic organizer with the same information too. We are learning big words too like “graphic organizer.” We are exploring our math manipulatives and drawing conclusions by using our calendar wall.
NEXT WEEK WE WILL: do a unit on the alphabet. I plan to read lots of alphabet books. We’ll study their shape and sound. We will also brainstorm words that start wtih various letters. Obviously, this is something that will last much longer than one week. It will kick off some special routines that will guide our study of letters and words!
will put a reading slip in the Friday Folder. When you have completed listing the title of 10 books on that slip, please return it via the Friday Folder on Monday and I will record the number of books your child has read. Please return it only when it is full with 10 books read. If you need more than one reading slip a week, let me know. You can also record the books read on a plain piece of paper if you don’t have a reading slip. I have made a chart outside our classroom door to keep track of our reading. Our goal is only 10 books a month. So only I shape will go on the wall outside our classroom each month but I will keep track of how many books are read by each student and put additional stickers on their cut out shape for every ten books read. Some have already sent several book slips back. Keep up the good work. The children are excited about earning a shape. The more we read and are read to the better readers we become. I hope this will be a convenient way to keep track of books read and create a bit of competition or at least a desire to read more. Our first shape will combine Aug. and Sept. so we have time to get a lot of books read. At the end of Sept., I will see who read the most and that child will get a special certificate! Everyone else that met the goal of 10 books read will receive something special also. (Maybe a coupon from McDonald’s or somewhere!)
MERIT AWARD: This weeks merit award goes to Erin McFall and Marley Seaton for being responsible which is our new character word this month. Kailey Tate was recognized at the Caring Kid assembly on Monday as a Caring Kid showing a cooperative spirit! Congratulations Kailey! Yeah!
T-SHIRTS: Each of the kindergarten classes will have t-shirts for the children to wear on field trips and special occasions. It will help greatly in watching the children and keeping them accounted for at all times. I have enough t-shirts for all the children and have turned the tie dyeing project over to Markus’ mom. Thanks!
HIGHLIGHTS MAGAZINE: I have enclosed a form from Hightlights Magazine. If you are interested in receiving this for your child, return completely and I will send it in to the company. However, even if you don’t want it, please sign and return it in the Friday folder. They will give the classroom prizes for just returning the slips. You don’t have to buy anything and they will not contact you.
PTA MEMBERSHIP: Don’t forget to join PTA. They are an active group of parents that do so much for our school. Like everything else it takes teamwork and a little bit of money. Thanks! :)
FRIDAY FOLDER: Please return to school on Tuesday. Enclose any notes, lunch money etc. Thank you.
NO SCHOOL: Monday, Sept. 7st.
THEME: Alphabet
Thank you,
Mrs. Donna Mountjoy