Friday, September 11, 2009


September 11, 2009
Dear Parents,
THIS WEEK WE: read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and did several alphabet activities. There was so much to do that we just couldn’t get it all done in 4 days so we are going to continue with this theme next week. I have several other alphabet books to share and we will write our own. We interviewed Katie, Markus and.
NEXT WEEK WE WILL: continue to work on and finish some alphabet activities. We will continue to interview each child in the room and work on introducing letters for handwriting.
HOMEWORK: I am enclosing a sheet that shows correct letter formation. Refer to it to help your child practice at home. Most of the letters start at the top to form. Watch that they place their pencil there to begin forming a letter. Pencil grip is sometimes a problem with young children. I try to encourage them to use the thumb and first finger to grip the pencil down close to the lead. Then put the remaining 3 fingers tucked in under that. That should be a comfortable grip and one that will allow adequate pressure to the paper as they write. Try it!
FIELD TRIP: We are planning to visit the pumpkin patch at Campbell Farm Oct. 8th. We would love for you to come. More information later.
NOTEBOOKS: If you recall, I asked for each child to have a 1” notebook as part of their supplies. If you have not sent one yet, please do so. I am using it as a portfolio to show your child’s progress throughout the year.
BOOK SLIPS: September will be over before you know it. Keep reading and turn in the book slips as soon as they are full with the 10 books. Several people have some slips turned in but we need more. A love for books nearly always starts with being read to.
MERIT AWARD: This week’s merit award goes to Johnny Gonzales and Isaac Nuccio. Our character word this month is responsiblity. We are working on being responsible for our own things. Way to go!
THEME: Seasons of the Apple Tree
Thank you,
Mrs. Donna Mountjoy