Monday, January 11, 2010


January 11, 2010
Dear Parents,
LAST WEEK WE: got reacquainted and talked about our new year. Winter is here and with it the cold weather is upon us. VERY COLD! We read The Mitten by Jan Brett and several other books that had mittens in them. We have found matching mittens, added mittens, and counted mittens by two’s. We are writing a book and introducing the words said and have to our reading vocabulary.
THIS WEEK WE WILL: continue with mitten, snow and possibly penguin activities.
REPORT CARDS: are going home today. Please sign and return the envelope on tomorrow in the Friday folder.
DECEMBER BOOK SLIPS: Congratulations to Mason, Sophie, Connor, Cody, Johnny, Alison, Nolan, Isaac, Markus, Marley, Joshua, Kailey Michaela, Apryl and Alaya for meeting the goal of at least 10 books read for the month. Cody, Johnny, Markus and Kailey turned in 50 books! Good job! You will find your Pizza Hut coupon in the Friday Folder. I know with the holiday it wasn’t always easy to make time to read with your child. It does pay off though. Please continue to read every night and turn in the reading slips as you get 10 books read. If you have not been reading with your child, it is not too late. Start tonight!
BOOK ORDER: There is a Scholastic book order enclosed. Please return the order next Monday with the Friday Folder. Be sure to put the order form along with the money sealed in an envelope. Checks should be made out to Scholastic Book Club. I have also signed up to make it possible to order books on-line. Just go to:
Our class user name is: MountjoysKClass and the password is: bookorder I have enclosed a note about this also. The cut-off for on-line orders is Jan. 20th.
Letter and Word Rings: Every student needs to be able to recognize all the letters and the sounds they make very soon. Most of the children have mastered this already. I am making a “word ring” for each child. As they “pass” each set of 10 words they will receive a homework sheet. Please have your child make the book and return it so they can get their next set of “word ring” words. I will introduce it to the class this week and we will get started on it. It is so exciting!
BAG BOOKS: I am sending home little books in ziplock bags when I feel your child is ready for this challenge. Please read the book several times with your child. Begin by looking at the pictures and have your child tell you what he/she thinks is happening in the story. Then go back and read it to your child. Then go back again and have the child try to read it to you. The children are at different stages in their reading readiness. Help them where they need it and encourage them. Have your child read it several more times over the next couple of days. When you finish with it, please sign the paper inside the bag and return it to school. I will send you a new book. Please keep no more than 3-4 days so someone else can read that book. I will start that activity next week as well.
MITTEN TREE: We have a mitten tree set up in our room. With the cold weather the mittens we donate will very much appreciated. I will keep the tree up for two weeks and then they will be donated to Least of These. Several brought in mittens, gloves and even hats this week. Thank you for your support of the community outreach project.
SNACK: If you have not sent a classroom snack for January, please send sometime this week.
I hope your family had a wonderful holiday! We are back and ready to learn more about how letters go together. I am excited about what is happening with the children. They are really linking letters with sounds and blending the sounds to read words and write sentences. It is great to see it all come together.
Thank you,
Mrs. Donna Mountjoy
Kindergarten raffle basket items are needed by Tuesday, April 20th. They will on display at the Spring Carnival April 30th. Now is a great time to buy those clearance items. Sports is our theme. Any items would be greatly appreciated. You can bring the sports items to school any time between now and April 20th. I will collect them weekly from Mrs. Mountjoy. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. Kecia Roemen 522-8492