Friday, January 15, 2010


January 15, 2010
Dear Parents,
THIS WEEK WE: worked with mittens. We did some reading and writing about penguins. We have been counting by 2’s as well as measuring items with cubes.
Did you know mice have tails that are different lengths and can be measured? We did it! 
NEXT WEEK WE WILL: continue with a winter theme talking about snowy winter days.
Our PTA moms will be hosting a party for our classroom on Friday, Feb. 5th. I don’t know a lot of detail yet but I understand it will have a 50’s theme! If your child wants to make a special container to put their valentines in, please be working on that at home. Use your imagination and each child will have a very unique container! Send to school sometime during the week of Feb.1st. Below is a list of children’s names in our class. They can address valentines to their classmates and hand deliver them before the party on Feb. 5th!
Mason Sophie
Connor Katie
Cody Johnny
Alison Chris
Nolan Erin
Isaac Markus
Alaya Marley
Joshua Kailey
Michaela Apryl
MITTEN TREE: We have a mitten tree set up in our room. With the cold weather the mittens we donate will be very much appreciated. I will keep the tree up for another week and then they will be donated to Least of These. Several brought in mittens, gloves and even hats. Thank you for your support of the community outreach project.

We have started a lot of new things this week and continuing others. Please don’t let this overwhelm you. I want to encourage you to continue with the Fast Start poem. If you need to do it every other night so you can spend time on the bag book that is fine! Do what you can do. The main thing is spending time reading with your child. I have two parents that have volunteered their time for the children to read the bag book when it is returned. Yeah!  By the way you can count the time you spend on Fast Start and the Bag Book as a book on the Book Slip! Everyone does not have a Bag Book yet but they will soon! 
SNACK: If you have not sent a classroom snack for January, please send sometime next week.
Thank you,
Mrs. Donna Mountjoy
Kindergarten raffle basket items are needed by Tuesday, April 20th. They will on display at the Spring Carnival April 30th. Now is a great time to buy those clearance items. Sports is our theme. Any items would be greatly appreciated. You can bring the sports items to school any time between now and April 20th. I will collect them weekly from Mrs. Mountjoy. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. Kecia Roemen 522-84